
Bridefriends are all about
honesty, celebration, love, inclusion & sharing. 


Bridefriends support one another during this special time in life and promote friendship. A Bridefriend is more than a bridesmaid, or best friend - they understand what you are going through and/or make the commitment to try their best to help you get exactly what you need. Bridefriends value HONESTY and function and communicate with LOVE. Bridefriends care about INCLUSION and appreciate each other’s differences. Bridefriends understand that you don't have to know someone your entire life to enjoy SHARING your experiences and delight in CELEBRATION together.

That's what Bridefriends are all about!


You can be a Bridefriend. You should be a Bridefriend. 



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Use the #blackdesti & #bridefriends hashtags to show your pride - and meet your bridefriends!

Tell your friends and family about Bridefriends too!
There's no better way for them to know what you're going through than for you to share this Desti community.
They may learn a thing or two...or three!

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