The Latest!๐Ÿ‘ฐ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ›ซ๐Ÿ’

I was lucky enough to experience the MAGIC 
of a destination wedding ...


...I call it, "The Wedding that Changed it All" because I had never seen a celebration so vibrant and filled with love. Traditional weddings never appealed to me. Being a "+1" to a destination wedding opened my eyes to a completely different experience, so when it was time for me to decide how to have my own wedding, it was a no-brainer: Desti was the way to go. Only, we had no idea how to make it happen. So I gathered as much information as possible, reached out to as many others who had been on the journey before me, journaling the whole way through...And it was a remarkable experience!

And now I help others do it too!

All photography provided by Shenko Photography

Sharing experiences, knowledge, and inspiration to support, educate and empower destination wedding hopefuls on
how to have the time of your life, while planning the best days of your life!
— Bridefriends Motto


I am a Black Woman
completely, head over heels in love with

My Man, Myself and My Life.

I chose to have a Destination Wedding and saw no real representation or support system for others like me,
so I decided to start one myself.

I am Black Destination Bride.

Learn More โ†’

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Does any of this sound familiar?

I would LOVE to have a destination wedding!
I don't know how to plan my own destination wedding.
I don't know anyone else who has planned a destination wedding.

I need to know what to expect and what I should and shouldn't be doing while planning my destination wedding.

If you answered YES to any of the above, you're in the right place! 

Letโ€™s be Bridefriends!

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