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155 Days - Destination Wedding Journal - Black Destination Bride

Day 155

Friday, December 23, 2016


Temperature: High 42° / Low 37°

What Kind of Day Did I Have & Why?

The good times are definitely rolling right now and I’m oh-so-down for the ride! My great time yesterday caused me to sleep in longer than usual, which was actually quite refreshing. A girl needs an after 10am wake up every now and then. I even enjoyed traffic today...imagine the type of high I have to be on to enjoy TRAFFIC...but I did. I blasted my Christmas music, which included Gucci Mane and Tank, and rode out. HAHA @ Gucci, but it’s real talk though! We saw some of our amazing friends, had great conversations, so what else could I ask for? Today was another great day!

How Do I Feel? Health/Lupie Status?

I was a little bit achier than the last few days, but nothing bad. I’d say I went back to my normal 3. I’d like to have a new norm of that 1.5/2 life in 2017, so I’ll see what I can do about that.

Workout Time & Duration?

Nope. Just nope. Yeah………..just…..nope.

Destination Wedding Task Tackled:

Lea and I are going to chat on Tuesday! We went back and forward between Monday and Tuesday, but it’s official. Something interesting did happen during dinner; Che mentioned that he has been thinking about adding a videographer. My interest is peaked, so we'll have to explore that idea more. I might like it!

Any Old Destination Wedding Tasks Making a Comeback?

No actual tasks were tackled, but when having drinks and dinner with friends we did get to talk about our plans and I was able to enjoy my favorite pastime: showing pictures! Actual photos, inspirational name it, I'll show it. So I was all about it tonight!

Loving Black Love Moment?

Our entire evening was a Black Love Moment! We had drinks and dinner with a few good friends and included in the group was a couple who had what I like to call "the wedding that changed it all for me". Spending time with them and also talking about our own relationship over the years made this entire evening fantastic! I’m still working on my post to describe in detail how they got this title, but their destination wedding in Jamaica was the first time I saw young, black, positive people getting married and it was beautiful. I always bring that up when I’m around them, but it is so true. They opened my eyes and let me know that it is possible and may be something that I want.
Hell, they may have been my first real Loving Black Love Moment.

What am I happy for?

Great friends, open conversations and lots of love. I don’t know where I’d be without those. And I’m happy I don’t have to find out.

What could I have done better?
Why ruin the mood? I've got nothing here today. All sunshine, butterflies, and rainbows!

What am I doing tomorrow?

My plan
is no plans.

It’ll be Christmas Eve,  so I’m doing whatever the hell I want. No plans allowed. Tomorrow and the following day!