Day 28
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Temperature: High 77° / Low 55°
What Kind of Day Did I Have & Why? Quality Time tank was certainly filled up today, even though my inner mean girl kicked my ass. The day was still a success in my book!
How Do I Feel? Health/Lupie Status?
Still at a 1.5, although I had a teensy bit of hand pain. Nothing crazy, just taking note of it.
Workout Time & Duration?
This may have been THE worst workout performance of my life dramatics. Okay, maybe a little dramatics were used, but seriously...I was BAD. I was at the gym with my man, so you’d think I’d be happy - but nope. I was thinking about how far I am from my goal body for the wedding and it really felt like no matter what workout I did, I couldn’t feel anything or get into it. We got there about 45 minutes before closing time, so that may have had some influence - but really - my inner mean girl kicked my ass in there.
Destination Wedding Task Tackled:
We had a nice chat about wedding stuff this afternoon during breakfast/lunch...I guess that’s called brunch, huh? Anyway…
💖 We discussed the welcome bags and Che lit a fire under my ass on that one because I have ideas...but no real actionable steps. I want personalized bags, glasses etc….but no vendor...Stuff like that. That’s on my to-do list for the week.
What else? ...oh yeah…
💖 We sent requests to our planner Joyce about a Skype meeting this week with her and next week with our officiant so we could get a chance to meet her and see what we need to be working on (if anything).
We're trying to figure out which size bottle to we want 1 big bottle or 2 normal sized bottles? 🤔
This photo is on my Pinterest Page, courtesy of The Knot & Freixenet Champagne. Click here for full article: "Crazy for Cava: 5 Ideas to Add More Bubbly to Your Wedding"
💖 And we also took a trip to the liquor store - and yes, that counts because it was a trip related to the wedding. We’re trying to figure out what size champagne bottles we want to use for our guest book idea and after standing in the middle of the aisle trying to compare a picture that Joyce sent us to what was in front of our face, we decided to just send Joyce an email asking her to just go back to the liquor store in Mexico and let us know everything.
Oh, and how could I forget!
💖 Tonight I also purchased our honeymoon flights! And it only took me forever to do it! It took me over an hour because I was all over the place...double and triple-checking flight times and seat selections (I took so long that someone else bought our seats and I had to start all over again)...then I unsuccessfully attempted to book all of the flights at the same time..and then American Airlines' website was down, but I got it. And it was well over an hour now that I think about it! Now, I gotta call Delta on Monday to change our return home flight and we'll be set. Tonight the wait time was 3 hours, so I kindly hung up the phone, called back (as if that would change...and it didn't)
Any Old Destination Wedding Tasks Making a Comeback?
Loving Black Love Moment?
We had a great start to our morning. We woke up and Che had the idea to go out for to my ears! Food...and I don’t have to make it??? That’s Love!
But seriously, it was great to just have a great time together and get my quality time tank filled up.
What am I happy for?
I’m happy that I have a supportive man that is willing to help me keep my sanity even when I’m flipping out and about to cry about my body not being where I want it to be 28 DAYS away from our wedding. He asked me what I need from him and that’s really all I needed at that supportive Future husband makes me happy! This sounds like it should have been in the "Loving Black Love" section...but, oh well... Now, if I can just whip this bawdy in shape!
What could I have done better?
I could NOT let my mean girl get to me and tell me that I don’t look good enough...I know that this insecurity comes often in brides, but I didn’t expect it to get me and I’ve been doing pretty good so far...there is definitely room for improvement, but I’m not as bad as i made myself out to be today. Fuck you mean girl!
What am I doing tomorrow?
Who the hell knows...getting back in the gym for sure and figuring out how to make tomorrow better than yesterday.